The Project Management Conference organized by EFocus on October 20th invited our CEO, Miriam Lacho(va), to speak about life priorities and our wellbeing. She inspired the online participants to find their journey to happiness and contentment even during these difficult times.
Despite the stricter measures, we continue to operate in full swing and are available for you for face-to-face, phone and mail consultations. Feel free to contact us anytime.
Our team African children family has just extended from 8 to 10, as we are now supporting 2 boys from Ambo, Ethiopia, who are part of a new project through Integra foundation. Support of 50 new first-graders who are part of a new educational project is needed - more information can be found HERE.
Immediate crisis intervention is required of our consultants when they support clients. Continuous education in this area is important for our team. We are thankful to Alena Madlena Rjabininova for the excellent experiential workshop, which expanded our knowledge in the group crisis intervention.
An interesting and practical interview on parenting (in Slovak) with our colleague Gabriela Pokorná can be found on website TV Noviny. You may schedule an individual consultation with Gabriela (online, telephone or face-to-face in our offices in Bratislava) through our contact form.
As coaches and psychologists we like to invest into continuous professional development. Whenever we have a chance, we choose team activities that combine time together with learning. Music therapy workshop with Marian Gliganič was an unforgettable and unique experience.
Traditionally, our team organized the summer teambuilding at the beautiful Košariská Lake, where we had a great day full of fun, laughter and relaxation. We were happy to be able to meet as a team as well as with our spouses and children.
Our team likes to be active, so we decided to strengthen our bodies during the spring teambuilding. At the Hot Yoga Center we exercised, relaxed and left with a clear mind full of energy.
The current COVID-19 situation shook the world and greatly affected the overall wellbeing of people. We feel the difficult situation when working with clients who seek our help. We would like to let you know that we are continuing to work with enthusiasm and provide consultations in person and by phone or online. We are here for everyone who needs our support and help.
We are happy to welcome our two new team members, Katarína Bogáňová (Bogy) and Pavel Šiandor (Palko). We wish them much success and joy in their new work, and may enthusiasm and sense of humor continue to be a part of their life.
Pleasant work environment is important to us, so we decided to cultivate the small garden next to our building. Having fun doing something useful in the sunshine boosted our energy, especially after the few months of working from home during the COVID crisis.
As a team we enjoy moments spent together when we can combine fun with something meaningful. The picture shows how we enjoyed this sunny day.