
  • Photoshoot
    13. August 2020

    As a team we enjoy moments spent together when we can combine fun with something meaningful. The picture shows how we enjoyed this sunny day.

  • HR Roundtable – Feedback Culture
    25. March 2020

    In February we organized the first HR Roundtable in 2020 on the topic of the Feedback Culture. The HR community professionals had the opportunity to discuss and learn from each other, and although some HR topics are considered sensitive, best practices were openly shared and people inspired each other. Thank you to Orange Slovakia for hosting this great event.

  • Donation for a Crisis Center Brána do života
    10. January 2020

    Before Christmas our team decided to collect a donation for a crisis center Brána do života. The center accommodates women with children who have been abused and are in a difficult social situation. Together with company ProCeram, our team collected cosmetics and cleaning products. We believe that our help brought a glimpse of hope and joy during this Christmastime.

  • The idea behind sponsoring children in Africa
    7. January 2020

    Sponsoring children in Africa was already mentioned on our blog previously. If you would like to know more about how the idea was born, you can read (in Slovak) an interesting and inspiring interview with our CEO, Miriam Lachova here: 

  • Christmas Benefit Concert
    19. December 2019

    The Christmas Benefit Concert to help the homeless in Bratislava was again supported by Human Dynamic Europe and attended by our team, our clients, partners and friends. Janais sang some beautiful Christmas songs, which brought the Christmas spirit, peace and joy into our hearts.

  • Volunteering at the Senior Home Archa
    19. December 2019

    Our team was happy to volunteer again this year. Our colleagues conducted a workshop for seniors from the Senior Home Archa on the topic of Happy Relationships. We believe that the time spent together was enriching and inspirational for both sides.

  • Christmas Concert in Košice
    5. December 2019

    On the First Sunday in Advent, we enjoyed a Christmas concert in Košice together with friends and partners. A great singer and pianoplayer Mária Čírová brought a beautiful Christmas atmosphere, peace into our souls and a huge smile on our face.

  • Team dinner at the Slovensky Grob
    18. November 2019

    One of our priorities as a team is to take care of our own psychological and mental wellbeing. When we have the opportunity, we take time to have fun together in an enjoyable relaxing atmosphere. What else would be more appropriate in the fall than to have the local specialty of roasted geese with tortillas and red cabbage?!  This time, we invited our partners to join us and even our vegetarians enjoyed it. :)

  • HR Roundtable – Mental Health
    18. November 2019

    In November we organized another HR Roundtable, this time at DELL Corporation in Bratislava. We enjoyed the time together as the HR community and spend time on the topic of mental health, which is more and more relevant at companies and in people’s lives. Our psychologists, professionals with many years of experience, also spoke about the burnout syndrome and crises management at the workplace. The discussion of the participants was valuable, practical and inspirational.

  • Summer Farewell
    17. September 2019

    In September we participated at the Magnificent Summer Farewell organized by Tesco. Consultants provided a place for children’s activities, stress tests for adults and information about the support hotline benefit provided to the employees.

  • Supporting children in Africa
    8. August 2019

    As a team, we decided to change the lives of children in Africa, who would otherwise be left on the street. As a company, we sponsored the Integra team to have a booth at the summer Campfest festival to find 40 new sponsors for children. In addition, our own team members will have a child to care about and keep in touch with through letters with positive encouragement. The company will pay the monthly sponsorship for these kids, for which they are able to receive shelter, food and education. The return on this investment is immeasurable, as the result is someone’s life and future changed. Find out more at

  • Open Workshop: Conflict Resolution
    13. May 2019

    Two open workshops on Conflict as an Opportunity were organized in our premises on March 23 and May 8. The participants learned conflict management skills and practiced conflict resolution techniques to open new doors into their relationships.